September 21, 2024
Working Hard 8/30/2003

We're still here working hard on getting code written and tested. I just thought that I'd give you and update, so sit tight, now you know we're still working. If you would like something to do in the meantime just visit LSU and join in all of the conversations and chats, and maybe you could ask some Linux questions.

Sorry 8/29/2003

Sorry for the site being down, sourceforge had a few problems, but they got it all fixed, so we're back up and running. I'm just getting back to school so I'm pretty busy, but I'm working as hard as I can. QuickSite will take a while to complete, but I promise you, it will be well worth the wait.

Programming Frenzy 8/16/2003

Well, now that I'm back from scout camp and I'm rested up, its time to get into a programming frenzy! I'm going to work as long as I can each day and I hope to get a beta out as soon as possible, and once we work all the bugs out of the program we can release version 1.0 of quickstieweb. If any of you know any PHP I'd be happy to have you helping me. If you would like to help please e-mail me. Also, if any of you wish to test the beta you must be a registered member of Linux-Solutions, so if your not a member, just visit their home page and register.

New Design 8/11/2003

Our new design is finished as you can see. It should give us a look of professionalism that we really need, or who will really take us serious, I know I wouldn't if I was a consumer looking for the best solution. Well, if any of you have any comments on the new look or want to help the project please e-mail me.

File Uploader 8/2/2003

Zach, my co. developer has completed the file Uploader for Quick Site. It's a nifty little tool you will be able to use within' Quick Site, it will allow you to upload existing files from your computer to the server. That way, if you already have files on your PC that you want to use, then you can just upload them. This will be a great future in the system, and I hope you will enjoy it!

Site Rough Draft 7/30/2003

Our forever great web designer has finished his rough draft for this site, and all I have to say is, SWEET!! It's a really good professional looking site, I love it so far, and it's only the basic design. You can see it at Index2. I hope you all enjoy it to, if you have any comments the should be directed to me.

Development Started 7/29/2003

I've Started Development on the authentication section of Quick Site, it will use PHP, MySQL and a little JavaScript. I chose to do this first because security is very impotent to Quick Site, you don't want anyone to hack the system and mess your site up do you? I'll have more updates tomorrow, in the mean time visit Linux-Solutions for all your Linux needs, well, mostly just help.

Welcome 7/28/2003

Welcome to the official Quick Site Web Page, development is not yet under way, however our team is deep into the planning stage. expect more news tomorrow.